
Conservation of Biodiversity and Habitats

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Marubeni official website. This page offers you information about our Conservation of Biodiversity and Habitats.

★Environment > Conservation of Biodiversity and Habitats > Policy

环境Conservation of Biodiversity and Habitats


Our Views on Biodiversity

The Marubeni Group is expanding its business on a global level in a wide range of fields. We recognize that each of our business streams have some degree of impact on the natural environment and biodiversity, and that all businesses benefit from nature. As stated in the Marubeni Group Environmental Policy, the Marubeni Group will endeavor to protect biodiversity and ecosystems, and contribute to conservation of biodiversity, which is an urgent issue in the world along with climate change.

Click here to view Marubeni Group Environmental Policy

At the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15 Part Two) held in Montreal, Canada in December 2022, the “Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework” was adopted as a new global goal and companies are expected to take actions toward “living in harmony with nature” and “nature positive” (net positive biodiversity impact). We will contribute to “living in harmony with nature” by implementing the “Green Strategy”, which is the basic policy of our Mid-Term Management Strategy (GC2024).

Click here to view Mid-Term Management Strategy GC2024

As a practical implementation of the Marubeni Group Environmental Policy, we confirm the impact of new business projects on natural ecosystems in advance. Using our own sustainability assessment tool, we check whether the project site is located in the vicinity of a nature reserve or national park, whether the project itself will have an impact on the ecosystem, and whether the topography and geological structure of the land, including the area surrounding the project site, will be altered significantly as a result of project implementation.


Conservation of Biodiversity and Habitats

Asian Waterbird Census
  • Anas luzonica或菲律宾鸭Lonchura oryzivora or Java sparrow photographed from monitoring stations, within and outside Pagbilao Power Station.

TeaM Energy Foundation, Inc. (TEFI)was established to handle the CSR activities of TeaM Energy Corporation (TeaM Energy), an independent power producer in the Philippines in which Marubeni owns a 50% stake. In cooperation with theWild Bird Club of the Philippines (WBCP)and theDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources, TEFI has participated in the Asian Waterbird Census, an Asian aquatic bird population survey conducted by the international NGO“Wetlands International”,永远y year since 2010, and collects data on waterbirds within a 10-kilometer radius of the Pagbilao and Sual power stations, which are owned and operated by TeaM Energy. The survey has confirmed that the environmental impact on the neighborhoods around the power stations is low, and a healthy environment is being maintained.
The areas around the Pagbilao and Sual power stations are sanctuaries of the Philippine duck (Anas luzonica), an endemic species of the Philippines that is designated as “vulnerable” in theIUCNRed List of Threatened Species 2014 issued by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The sites of the power stations are resting spots for many other birds, including migratory birds.
TEFI takes steps to safeguard the habitat of these birds through noise reduction measures, limitations on development, and habitat relocation in the event of development.
During the pandemic from 2020 to 2022, TEFI held off its bird watching activities with WBCP. Sual Power Station and Pagbilao Power Station have separate monitoring surveys conducted by external parties.

In a survey conducted in 2021 in Sual Power Station, a total of 1,056 bird individuals in 56 species and 34 families were recorded.
三个2021年记录了威胁鸟类:Lonchura oryzivora or Java sparrow, Streptopelia bitorquata or Island collared dove, and Anas luzonica or Philippine duck.
For Anas Luzonica or Philippine Duck, 260 were recorded in the 1st semiannual report and 60 for the 2nd semiannual report, utilizing the man-made lagoons in the area.
There were no additional species recorded, with the overall total of recorded birds remaining at 129 species. However, recurrence of Motacilla cinera or Grey wagtail and Orthotomus derbianus or Grey-backed tailorbird were noted. The former was last observed in 2011 while the latter was in 2015.

In a survey conducted in 2021 in Pagbilao Power Station, nine species are breeding residents.
Nine of 18 species are associated with non-forest to forest habitats. Only one threatened species, Anas luzonica, was recorded, while 16 are classified as Least Concern by IUCN.

Other than Pagbilao Power Station, monitoring is also conducted in 3 other locations: 1) Binahaan Watershed Forest Reserve, 2) Binahaan Mangrove Forest and 3) Danlagan Mangrove Forest.
Across the 4 locations, 584 individuals of 39 bird species were recorded.

Afforestation Program
Afforested area

TEFI is carrying out projects to plant acacia and other tree varieties at its Pagbilao and Sual power stations since 2001 in partnership with neighboring communities as well as NGOs such as Sioasio East Forest Developers Association. The average survival rate of the saplings planted in Sioasio is 96.5% (as of March 2023). To date, approximately 100 hectares at Sual and 328 hectares at Pagbilao have been planted and are being maintained since 2001.

In 2021, Pagbilao Power Station planted a total of 300 native trees within 4,806 ㎡of station premises where employee volunteers planted seedlings of Agoho, Narra and Talisay.

TeaM Sual Corporation on the other hand has been rehabilitating the coast of Barangay Baquioen of Sual through annual mangrove planting and maintenance for the past 5 years.
2021年,铝业电站员工志愿者gether with representatives of Baquioen Barangay Government unit in attendance planted 3,000 mangrove seedlings along the coast of Barangay Baquioen in Sual.
In 2022, 2,000 mangrove seedlings were planted in that area with employee volunteers, and representatives from the same government unit, the local school, and contractors.
In 2022, TEFI, with an external partner and members of the local community, planted 21,000 mangrove propagules in Barangays Victoria and Pilar, both in the Santiago Island of Bolinao town, Pangasinan; this is under TEFI's Project CATCH ME (Community Alliance Transforming Coast Habitat and Mangrove Ecosystem).

Until the ownership of Sual and Pagbilao power stations are transferred to the state-run power company from 2024 through 2025, Marubeni will continue to support the protection and maintenance of a total of about 144,000 hectares of natural forests where TEFI has been carrying out conservation and afforestation, as well as at other activity areas, with the goal to protect biodiversity and to foster forest preservation.

Tree Planting Activities to Reduce and Restore Negative Impacts on Biodiversity

Maynilad Water Services, Inc. (Maynilad), a Marubeni Group company engaged in water supply and sewerage services in Metropolitan Manila, has planted more than 219,000 mangrove propagules in the coastal area for the purpose of land conservation (including conservation of species), reduction of negative impacts caused by the population growth, and recovery. This activity employs fishermen in some areas and provides them with additional income opportunities. With the support of the country's government agencies (such as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and local government entities), businesses, and volunteers, the company also arranges events to educate people on responsible water consumption and proper wastewater management. Together with our stakeholders, Maynilad will continue to invest in local communities through tree planting activities to conserve ecosystems, prevent flooding, provide high-quality water and operate the sustainable water business.

Engagement to Reduce Loss of Biodiversity

Forest Conservation Activities and Providing Livelihoods to Indigenous People
  • Forest conservation activities
    Forest conservation activities
  • Interaction with local residents
    Interaction with local residents
  • Products and honey produced
    Products and honey produced

Since 2010, TEFI has had various activities in implementing a Community Carbon Pools Program (C2P2) in the municipality of General Nakar in the province of Quezon, in cooperation with the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources, local residents, and international and local NGOs.

TEFI conducted training and provided funding to a honey manufacturing facility powered by solar energy. In addition to honey, the communities of General Nakar produce resin, food and other non-timber products and also engage in textile dyeing and tea harvesting.
These activities provided livelihood intended to improve living standards for 34 tribal communities and over 2,000 local residents, and to help preserve about 144,000 hectares of forest and prevent deforestation. They also contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions caused by deforestation, the long-term conservation of forests, and the promotion of carbon storage with forests.

Contribution to Sustainable Forest Management and Biodiversity Conservation through Engagement with the State Government of Western Australia

佤邦种植园资源企业。有限公司(“WAPRES”)Australian plantation and wood chip business wholly owned by Marubeni Corporation, has been engaging with the local government to comply with local laws and regulations, including the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (as amended), and has obtained international sustainable forest certifications.

Click here to view Forest Management and Forestry Certification at Marubeni Group

WAPRES believes that sustainable forest management contributes to the conservation of biodiversity, and will continue such business activities.

Contributing to Biodiversity Conservation through a Desalination and Water Transmission Project in Chile

In connection with the desalination and water transmission project for Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (CODELCO) (the “Project”), prior to participating in the Project we identified the potential impacts on biodiversity, and took measures to avoid and reduce negative impacts.

Click here to view Conclusion of a Loan Agreement and Start of Construction under a Long-Term Water Sale Agreement for a Desalination and Water Transmission Project for the National Copper Corporation of Chile

Conducting Due Diligence

Part of the proposed site of the Project falls within a priority conservation area for the Eriosyce Laui, a species of cactus that is listed as an endangered species (“EL cactus”). Therefore, in order to conserve the species, prior to our participation in the project an external expert was retained to conduct due diligence to determine whether the EL cactus is present at the proposed construction site in the priority conservation area and the status of its habitat. As a result, it was confirmed that the EL cactus is not present at the proposed construction site.

Formulation of Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) and Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP)

In this Project, a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) was developed by identifying areas with sites, species, and functions of particular importance for conservation. Detailed surveys of the relevant areas are conducted by experts, and the results are reflected in the Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP), which is continuously monitored (audited) in order to conserve biodiversity.

Entry into the Salmon Farming Business via Recirculating Aquaculture System

Responding to the Rising Global Demand for Marine Products

The improvement of living standards in the developing countries and growing health consciousness in the developed countries have resulted in the yearly increase in the global demand for marine products. Nevertheless, as the fish catch from fisheries has remained stable for the past 30 years, aquaculture has taken on an increasing significance. Within this field, in the sub-industry of salmon farming, which has been geographically limited due to the scarcity of coastal regions that are suited to seawater culture, expectations are especially high for the growth of land-based salmon farming through the use of a Recirculating Aquaculture System (hereinafter “RAS”*1), which is not limited by geographical conditions.

  • A Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) is a farming method that filters and circulates 90% or more of the water used in an enclosed, land-based facility. Given that water temperature, water quality, and other conditions are controlled within the facility, it is minimally impacted by outside factors.

In April 2020, Marubeni, jointly with Nippon Suisan (Europe) B.V., acquired shares of Danish Salmon A/S (hereinafter “DS”), a globally top-ranked company with a track record in RAS production. Marubeni will meet the growing global demand for marine products through DS, one of the few companies to have established manufacturing expertise and technology in this field.

Contribution to Sustainability

RAS has minimal impact on the surrounding environment and the ecosystem, as it uses and recirculates water within an enclosed facility, thereby reducing water pollution and the risk of escaping farmed fish. RAS also has an established control framework and is thus capable of retaining records, making it a farming method that supports traceability. It is also being regarded as a viable method of effectively resolving future shortages in protein supply which may occur in conjunction with the growing global population.
Marubeni is ready to contribute to the resolution of social problems by not only meeting the growing global demand for marine products but also providing a stable supply of environmentally-friendly marine products.

  • The mechanism of RAS farming
    The mechanism of RAS farming
  • Salmon

The Handling of RSPO/ISCC Certified Products

Roughly 30% of the palm oil and palm oil derivative products handled by our subsidiary Pasternak, Baum & Co., Inc. (USA) are RSPO/ISCC/RFA certified products.
We are doing our part to promote such certified products by responding to the needs of our environmentally conscious customers.

Participation in International Initiatives

Participation in the TNFD Forum

TNFD Forum is an organization which shares the vison and mission of Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)*2, an international organization that builds a risk management and disclosure framework related to nature capital and biodiversity. Marubeni participated in the TNFD Forum in March 2022.
By participating in the TNFD Forum, Marubeni will continue to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, which is an urgent issue in the world along with climate change, through supporting the development of TNFD’s framework.

  • TNFD is an organization to build a risk management and disclosure framework related to nature capital and biodiversity, inspired by the 2019 World Economic Forum (Davos Conference). The mission of TNFD is to develop a disclosure framework for organizations to report, which aims to support a shift in global financial flows toward nature-positive outcomes.

Click here to view the TNFD Website

Support of the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren

In January 2020, the Company announced its agreement with and support of the Revision to “Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren and Action Policy” of October 2018 put out by the Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation.

Click here to view the “Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren and Action Policy” (Revised Edition)

Marine Ecolabel Japan (MEL)

Marubeni is a full member of Marine Ecolabel Japan (MEL), and promotes initiatives of fisheries, aquaculture, and chain of custody that considers environment, biodiversity, and sustainable use of fishery resources.
Marubeni will continue to contribute to sustainable fishery that is environmentally and ecologically friendly within our business as well as in our supply chain.

Click here to view the Marine Ecolabel Japan (MEL)

Support for “Sustainable Seafood Week 2023”

With increasing concern that seafood is being depleted from seas around the world, efforts are being made to shift toward sustainable use of marine resources. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Japan and, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Japan held the Sustainable Seafood Week (SSW) 2023 to further spread the awareness of sustainable seafood across Japan in October. The annual campaign started in 2014 and this time was the 10 year.
Sustainable seafood refers to seafood caught in MSC-certified fisheries that are properly managed in consideration of marine resources and the environment, or seafood raised in ASC-certified aquaculture farms that minimize environmental and social impacts. Marubeni has been promoting the handling of MSC certified products, which are guaranteed as natural marine products caught with consideration of marine resources and the environment, and ASC certified seafood, which are guaranteed as seafood products through environmentally and socially responsible aquaculture. Marubeni, through our Group company, supports the activities of the Sustainable Seafood Week that aim to spread the practice of sustainable seafood.

Click here to view the Sustainable Seafood Week 2023 web site (Japanese only)
