Content Indices

ESG Content Index

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Content Indices > ESG Content Index

Content IndicesESG Content Index

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Sustainability Our Views on Sustainability
Fundamental Materiality
Environmental & Social Materiality
Identification and Review Process of Materiality
Policy Targets Structures and Systems Initiatives Data Participation in International Initiatives Collaborating with Stakeholders
E Environmental Management
Climate Change
Sustainable Forestry
Conservation of Biodiversity and Habitats
Water Management
Supply Chain
S Respect for Human Rights
Supply Chain
Occupational Health and Safety
Health and Productivity Management
Responsibility to Customers
HR Management
Diversity Management
Policy Structures and Systems Others
G Corporate Governance Basic Views on Corporate Governance PDF
Corporate Governance Structure
Composition of the Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board PDF
Reasons of Appointment of the Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board PDF
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the board of directors
Executive Compensation
Internal Control
Compliance Compliance System
Compliance Manual PDF
Internal Whistle-blowing System PDF
Anti-Corruption PDF PDF
Risk Management Risk Management System
Business Risks
General Meeting of Shareholders Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders
Notice of Resolution of General Meeting of Shareholders