Launch of “SX Acceleration Service” Based on Google Cloud

Feb. 27, 2023

Marubeni Corporation (hereinafter, “Marubeni”) and DOLBIX CONSULTING Inc. (hereinafter, “DOLBIX”), Marubeni’s wholly owned subsidiary, started providing a cloud platform based on Google Cloud that enables better management of sustainability-related information (hereinafter, “SX Data Station”) and a related consulting service (hereinafter, “SX Acceleration Service”) for enterprise customers to support their sustainability transformation (hereinafter, “SX”).

SX indicates the transformation of business and corporate management established to improve society’s sustainability and enhance corporate value. In recent years, various companies have been working on SX. For such companies, it is important to disclose an extensive amount of sustainability information to stakeholders and business partners. However, in many cases, they encounter difficulties in accumulating, visualizing, and analyzing such information.

“SX Data Station” utilizes Google Cloud’s BigQuery*¹ and provides such functions as managing sustainability information, analyzing non-financial information, and estimating risks generated by changes in global circumstances. It will help enterprise customers make business decisions more smoothly. In addition to “SX Data Station”, Marubeni and DOLBIX will provide their knowledge of various industries’ businesses and digitalization for the consulting service and support customers in resolving challenges regarding corporate management and SX.

Marubeni has positioned “Green Strategy”*² as one of its basic policies for its Mid-Term Management Strategy GC2024*³ and the Marubeni Group aspires to be a forerunner in “Green Businesses.” Marubeni and DOLBIX will contribute to improving sustainability across the whole of society by collaborating with Google Cloud Japan G.K. and providing various customers with the knowledge obtained from the execution of this “Green Strategy.”

*¹ One of Google Cloud’s main products, which realizes data processing with high performance.
*² The expansion of businesses which have positive impacts on the environment (“Green Businesses”) and the promotion of “Greening,” such as reducing negative environmental impacts in all business domains.
*³ Mid-Term Management Strategy GC2024:

Comments from Mr. Tomoyuki Hirate, Representative and President of Google Cloud Japan G.K.:
We are glad Marubeni and DOLBIX started providing this cloud platform, which utilizes Google Cloud’s BigQuery and AI technology, and a related consulting service.
Google recognizes promoting sustainability on a global scale as its mission and has promoted various activities such as the construction of high-efficient data centers, the transition to carbon-free energy, the establishment of sustainable working environments, the improvement of devices and services, and the development of technologies and products.
We expect that Marubeni and DOLBIX’s service will enable various enterprise customers to accumulate, manage, and analyze their sustainability information and help them promote their activities for sustainability.

* Google Cloud and BigQuery are trademarks of Google LLC.

■ Company Overview
Company Name: 必威亚洲体育
Address of Headquarters: 4-2 Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Date Established: December 1949
Representative: Masumi Kakinoki
Description of Business: Export and import of products both domestically and internationally, etc.
Website: //www.sydjyy.com/en/
Address of Headquarters: Nihonbashi Mitsui Tower F6, 1-1 Nihonbashimuromachi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Date Established: December 2020
Representative: Yoshihiro Sato
Description of Business: Consulting related to DX, IT, and corporate management
Website: https://www.dolbix.com/
