一个nnouncement of Marubeni DX Strategies

Feb. 25. 2021

Marubeni Corporation (hereinafter, “Marubeni”) has announced the Marubeni Group’s Digital Transformation (hereinafter, “DX”) strategies under the title, “GC2021>>DX”.

Marubeni formulated the “Global crossvalue platform” to represent the ideal state of the Marubeni Group and defined the long-term direction of the Group as, “pursuing growth engines and creating new business models by proactively addressing the challenges of customers and society through vertical evolution and horizontal expansion.” For the Marubeni Group, DX means deepening and accelerating the value creation cycle stated in the Global crossvalue platform by utilizing digital technologies and achieving long-term corporate value enhancement toward 2030.

In 2017, Marubeni established an internal team that specialized in promoting digital technologies. Since then, Marubeni has been engaged in DX in various business domains, and has created new business models leveraging digital technology in addition to reducing costs and enhancing efficiency. The aim of this announcement is to summarize these initiatives and to emphasize the company’s ongoing commitment to DX.

一个s a concrete and basic measure for the Marubeni Group’s DX strategies, the company will continue as planned to increase the number of “digital talent” (people who have not only business knowledge but also data science and design thinking skill sets) and provide a safe, robust, convenient, and flexible IT infrastructure that is in line with the company’s IT Strategy Roadmap. The Marubeni Group will also conduct profit expansion strategies in a wide range of business areas by integrating its business platforms, resources, networks, data, and knowledge.

The Marubeni Group will continue to promote its DX strategies and aim for long-term corporate value enhancement across the board.

一个bout the Marubeni Group’s DX Strategies
GC2021 >> DX
