Expanding Disclosure in Line with TCFD Recommendations

Sep. 15. 2021

The Marubeni Group (hereinafter, "Marubeni") has disclosed climate change-related information in line with the Recommendations of the TCFD*1.
TCFD document://www.sydjyy.com/en/sustainability/environment/tcfd/

Recognizing the importance of climate-related financial disclosures, the Marubeni affirmed the recommendations of the TCFD in February 2019 and endeavors to evaluate risks and opportunities of climate change and to enhance related disclosure. Marubeni has already disclosed information in line with TCFD recommendations in July 2020, and formulated its Long-Term Vision on Climate Change in March 2021. Now, by expanding the disclosure of TCFD, conducting scenario analysis*2for individual businesses, and disclosing policies and strategies based on the analysis results, Marubeni is demonstrating the resilience of strategies related to climate change.

While continuously strengthening the company’s climate change initiatives and disclosures, Marubeni aims to contribute to low-carbon and decarbonization and sustainable improvements to the company’s corporate value.

1 TCFD:The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB).

2 Scenario analysis:Based on multiple future scenarios in which climate change becomes more apparent, this analysis shows the impact on companies and the continuity and resilience of business given the projected impact of climate change.
